Monday 15 May 2023

Power of contextual videos in the era personalization

The key to winning over customers in today’s digital age is personalized content and user experience. Brands who are able provide tailored content based upon an individual’s interests and preferences have a greater chance of engaging their target audience. Contextual videos are a form of personalized content which is currently sweeping the B2B industry.

As a sales representative, you’re targeting the same customers who have become accustomed to personalized content, products, and services. Gartner estimates that personalization can increase sales by 20 percent for companies. Video has replaced face-to-face sales interaction in recent years.

This blog will examine the importance and benefits of contextual videos in the worlds of sales.

What is contextual Personalization?

Video content tailored to a particular audience is called contextual video. The content is created dynamically based on data from the user, including their interests, behaviors, demographics and location. Contextual video is the art and science of delivering the correct video to the appropriate person in the proper context at the right moment. This allows businesses deliver highly targeted messages which are more likely resonate with viewers and result in higher engagement rates.

Why contextual personalization is effective in sales videos

You may be aware of the effectiveness of video in sales, but contextual video that is used at the right moment during the sales cycle has the greatest impact on your prospects. A contextual video is a way to send a message that is relevant to the prospect’s position in the sales process. For a video to be effective, it must have the right context. Why contextual videos are so effective:

a. Contextual personalization convert better

Contextual videos provide relevant information to help prospects in their journey down the funnel. Videos that perfectly match the interest of prospects at each stage will be more effective than those that lack context.

The goal of a video during the prospecting phase of the sales cycle is to capture the prospect’s interest and establish credibility, while building the foundation of a relationship. You can start with a 90-second video in which you appear with the background video of their website, and give some suggestions on how to improve it, as well as a CTA. It’s a success if the prospect believes your findings are valid and wants to connect with you in order to move on to the next step. A video with a lot of content describing your product can send you straight to the recycling bin.

A video showing how contextual personalization can be used as the video background.

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b. Contextual Personalization is helpful in delivering videos at the right time

Contextual videos are more impactful because they’re sent after analysing previous video emails and based upon specific viewer actions. This targeted approach makes sure that the video content will be relevant for each viewer, and more likely to create a connection. The videos are therefore more engaging and viewers form stronger connections with the sender.

When can contextual personalization be used in sales videos

Contextual video is about sending the right message to the right audience at the right moment. As long as your message is clear, you can utilize videos in various stages.

a. Videos for prospecting and the introduction phase

When you’re just starting out, the prospecting phase is the time when you reach out to someone new. The most important thing is to stand out in the sea of sales emails. You can begin building value once you’ve captured your prospect’s attention. You can use four different types of video to reach out in the prospecting phase:

Video to stand out in prospects’ inbox

Take a look at these astonishing statistics: Emails with video content have a 300% higher click-through rate. Sending a video message will make you stand out in an inbox where video outreach is still a novelty. You can make your video email more appealing by including a compelling subject line, and an eye-catching image that gives the recipient a sense of your personality.

A video showing how contextual personalization helps stand out in sales video emails.

Watch the video to learn more about value proposition

Your first impression is important. A good value proposition is short and crisp. You need to convey the value of your products quickly and include a CTA that will entice prospects. Screen share videos are a great way to introduce your product on the first contact. They can also be used as a tool for a brief introduction on how your product will improve their business.

You can highlight your value proposition and remain on the screen for a short time in a small area to create familiarity. A video is more convenient than cold calling prospects who may be interrupted during the day. Include your prospect’s LinkedIn page, the website for the company and your own sales presentation as the background of your video to build credibility.

Watch VideoFollow-up response video based upon analytics

It is important to create follow-up videos that are perfectly timed in order to maintain the interest you’ve already created. In this day and age, with so many options available to us, waiting for them to contact you is unlikely to happen. The key to sending the correct contextual video is having a video tool designed for sales analytics.

Video tools provide real-time analytics, whereas email tracking can only tell you that your email was opened. They also show you how long the prospect watched the video and which parts they replayed. Your follow-up should be made immediately after your prospect watches your video. This will increase your connection rate. You can also make a proposal to lead based upon the parts they found interesting.

An image showing how you can use video analytics for contextual personalization.

b. Video for the sales phase

You can use videos to guide your prospects further down the funnel until they are handed over to an account executive (AE). Here are some videos that you can use during the selling phase:

Video reminders before the scheduled call

No-shows are a common problem for sales reps, especially if the prospect isn’t too excited about moving up the funnel. You can reduce no-shows by sending a video reminder before the call. This gives you the chance to remind them why they were initially interested.

Remind them of the call to let them know that you’re looking forward to the presentation. The videos can also make prospects feel bad if they are already planning to skip the call. They would then either choose to attend the call where they have a change of heart, or reschedule where you can refine your approach.

Video Thank you after the Call

After a phone call, thank-you videos are a great way to show your appreciation. This shows prospects that you value their efforts and creates a positive relationship, which makes them more likely engage with your brand or you. This also showcases the organizational culture of your company and makes it easier for them to establish good relationships with your business.

A simple 60-second video clip can show your gratitude or a 30-second video snippet of you showing off. The thank-you video can be sent throughout the sales cycle. It may include a summary, a reminder or a CTA. To make the best impression, personalize your thank-you videos to a high degree.

Post-sale follow-up video

Ghosting is a common problem for all companies when leads are handed over to an account executive (AE), or a customer success manager (CSM). They lose interest, get confused or feel uncomfortable when they have to speak to someone new. It’s important to make the prospect familiar with the person who will be working with them. This helps maintain the relationship and familiarity that you’ve built. You can make a video explaining the change with the AE/CSM.

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Videos for Lead Nurturing

You may already be familiar with your leads and there is no need to reintroduce yourself. The lead may have been cold for a while or not worked out. In these cases, you need to use a different strategy such as contextual personalized to nurture leads and encourage them to buy.

Video messages to prospects you know

You can adopt a more informal approach when you know your client well. For example, you could share marketing content with them, keep them informed about the latest trends or show a video comparison of their product and that of the competition. Be approachable, open to dialogue and personalize your interactions. Keep a log of previous interactions and adjust your approach to attract them.

Video messages for dark prospects

The sales reps will always have leads in their closet that were unused at a previous time. With its human touch, video messaging has a high chance of reigniting interest in your offering or product. This approach incorporates the same elements as the non-responsive leads, but you personalize the videos with greater context.

Perhaps they left because a newer product was available, or perhaps they left because you offered a price that was too high. Take note of previous interactions and send new videos that have a different approach. Answer their questions faster and make the video more personal to create a strong emotional impact.

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Closing Thoughts

Create content that is relevant for prospects, depending on where they are at in the sales cycle. Don’t be afraid of deviating from the norm when creating videos. Contextual videos can be used to build relationships with prospects, move them down the sales funnel and turn them into loyal customers.

Hippo Video can help you create sales videos that work at scale. Check it out today!

The post Power of contextual videos in the era personalization appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.


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