Thursday 18 May 2023

13 Inspiring Real Estate Facebook Ads Examples [2023]

Nearly half (46%) say that their best quality leads are generated by social media compared to MLS (30%) or relationship management (26%). Yet, only 24% of Realtors spend more than $50 per month on lead generation.

But 96% of homebuyers look online for listings and 80% contact just one agent before they hire them. You should definitely increase your budget.

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising. It’s not necessary to spend thousands on ads. You can use the formulas for Facebook real estate ads that are proven.

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13 great real estate Facebook ad examples

1. Show a floor plan

When I was looking for a house, I had a few specific, deal-breaker layout requirements. I would scroll to the end of a listing’s photos to check the floor plan first, then go back and see the other photos.

Am I weird? Probably. Are there other weirdos like me out there? Definitely.

Floor plan ads aren’t just for new construction projects. Try a Facebook ad about your latest listing’s floor plan, especially if it’s unusual or interesting.

Silversaw on Facebook

Why it works

Effective ad for presales of new construction. Captures the attention of buyers immediately.

2. Bring to light a problem

Try to be super specific about a particular type of buyer or vendor instead of just talking about the property. Find out their biggest challenge in buying or selling, and then tailor your offer to that.

The company created a service that is all-inclusive for seniors who are experiencing physical and emotional stress due to downsizing.

Rosie's House seniors moving service

Source: Rosie’s House Facebook

Why it works

The most successful ads you run are not necessarily the ones with the largest audience. The most successful ads aren’t the ones that reach more people.

3. Push your latest listing

This Facebook ad really is what you thought it was. There’s nothing top-secret about this strategy: Just advertise your latest listing.

Consider this: Not all commercials air during That Big Annual Game. It’s okay if not every campaign is a possible Oscar nominee.

Choose a carousel or single-image ad. Facebook has created a real estate Facebook advertising format. These Facebook ads are “bread and butter” for real estate social media marketing.

Guarantee Real Estate Fresno home

Source: Guarantee Real Estate on Facebook

Why it works

Buyers are interested in listings. Particularly millennials who spend 14 hours per week on social media looking at home listings.

Bonus: Would you like to save a lot of time by advertising your open houses and new listings on Facebook? Hootsuite allows you to create Facebook ads in just minutes from existing Facebook Page content.

Hootsuite can help you create Facebook ads for real estate:

4. Recent Sales Listings

This is the equivalent Facebook ad for seller’s agents. Choose a recently sold listing or a few from the same ZIP code and briefly mention a factor that you overcame to sell it.

Rick Moore Realtor Seminole County home sale

Source: Rick Moore Realtor, Facebook

Why it works

Shows off your abilities, not just telling. Opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills when dealing with difficult listings.

5. You can brag a little about your awards

Have you achieved the top 1% in sales this year or any other award? You may have won an award from your community or city.

You can use it to show people how good you are. Don’t over-bragging and you may turn people off. You can use your own judgment to determine where the line is.

The addition of the word “2012” makes this ad even more effective because the viewers immediately understand the positive connotation that comes with winning the award for 10 years. They form a subconscious judgement of “They must be great.”

Leeds Real Estate winner of people's choice best real estate award since 2012

Source: Leeds Real Estate on Facebook

Why it works

It inspires trust. Develops your reputation, particularly if the award is specific to one type of property, customer, or location.

6. Brag (a bit)

Your last listing sold in less than 24 hours? Did you sell your last listing for $100,000 more than the asking price? You can meet the client’s deadline? What other unusual or extreme achievement has been made?

It’s great to have client testimonials, but you can also be effective by pointing out the real results that you’ve achieved.

Umer Farooq recently sold properties

Source: Umer Faooq on Facebook

Why it works

It is the best way to demonstrate your abilities. The expression “the proof is in your pudding” is a good one.

7. Video tour promotion

Social media is dominated by video, and formats that are primarily video like Reels have seen a 50% increase in popularity year-over-year.

Facebook understands that video ads attract a lot of attention. They are constantly adding new features to improve the conversion rate of video ads. Why? Facebook makes more money if you buy more ads.

Recent changes to video ads are particularly powerful: The automatic playback of videos in the feed and the new objective for viewing video. Facebook claims that these changes have increased video ad reach and reduced costs.

Curtus Collins just listed condo

Curtis Collins’ Facebook page

Why it works

Videos are the most popular Facebook algorithm.

8. Free home valuation

Both first-time sellers and experienced ones know that the market is constantly changing. You may find that those who are considering moving will accept your offer of an appraisal.

At the end of this post, you will find out how to super-target your ads, including those who might want to move quickly.

Tasha Carnes-Perez home evaluation calculator

Source: Tasha Carnes-Perez on Facebook

Why it works

Leads that fill out the form are usually highly qualified.

9. Post a Reel of your most recent listing

Video tours can be effective advertising, but they don’t have to be perfectly designed. Record yourself talking about the features you like in a house. Show off one area of the home, such as the lush backyard oasis during a hot summer’s day.

It may be uncomfortable at first, but if you want to build your brand and attract more customers, it is essential that you appear casually.

Home Sale Hardy home cash buyer offer

Source: Home Sale Hardy Facebook

Why it works

It is still true that people buy from people who they like, trust, and know. A candid video allows people to see your personality.

10. Create a neighborhood guide

Create a page or blog about the area you are specialized in.

Include information that buyers will find interesting. For example, the average age of residents, nearby restaurants and attractions, or how accessible it is.

Kathy Zajac Real Estate in-depth guide to buena park for new homeowners

Source: Kathy Zajac Real Estate on Facebook

Why it works

Attracts people who are already interested in the area. Very effective when combined with advanced targeting.

11. Promote listings within a particular neighborhood

Facebook’s latest properties ad format allows you to feature multiple listings in one ad. You can advertise a collection of luxury or affordable homes aimed at specific buyer leads, or showcase several properties in the same area.

It’s easy to target Facebook real estate ads by location, without creating a neighborhood guide.

Sheri Dettman & Associates Palm Springs area real estate luxury properties

Source: Sheri dettman and Associates on Facebook

Why it works

It is highly effective when combined Facebook location targeting. A buyer has a higher chance of liking at least one listing and clicking through to view it.

12. Share a testimonial

Most people will make the biggest transaction of their lives when they buy or sell a house. This is probably why 36% ask their friends and families for recommendations on realtors.

Your Facebook ad won’t be the same as Aunt Marg telling Mike to call her at the dinner table. It’s not enough to see that someone was satisfied with your work. You need to show strangers you are trustworthy.

These ads are also easy to create: Simply collect client testimonials into a document. Create a Facebook advertisement template. Replace the copy with your own, save the image and upload the ad.

Caleb Wilkerson realtor client testimonial

Source: Caleb Wilkerson’s Facebook page

Why it works

Review and testimonials can be powerful for any business, but are especially important for “big-ticket” services such as real estate.

Hootsuite Canva integration makes it even easier to create testimonial ads. You can customize your template and then insert it directly into your post, without leaving Hootsuite Composer.

You can also choose your template based on the size of the image, which includes Facebook ads.

new Instagram post Hootsuite Canva integration

Hootsuite is free to try

13. Focus on Lifestyle

After a few weeks, buyers may forget the generic details. Try creating Facebook ads that focus on the lifestyle surrounding the house, rather than the actual home.

Are there 4 coffee shops within walking distance? There are 4 coffee shops in walking distance. The best tacos in the world are only 5 minutes away? People care about these things.

After reading this list aimed at nature enthusiasts, I can almost imagine myself dipping my feet in the pond.

Premier Real Estate Services open house

Source: Premier Real Estate Services on Facebook

Why it works

This allows people to imagine themselves living in the home and neighborhood. They can take advantage of all those amenities.

Bonus: Download the Facebook advertising cheatsheet for 2022. This free resource contains key audience insights, suggested ad types and success tips.

Best practices for Facebook advertising in real estate

Optimize for mobile

Mobile-friendly ads are important for all devices. 76% of buyers search for agents and listings using a mobile device, such as a phone or tablet. Millennials are twice as likely to do this as older generations.

First, make sure you are using the correct Facebook image size. Consider mobile behavior.

85% of mobile video viewers turn off the sound. You can create videos that do not rely on audio to convey your message.

Run A/B tests

Social media trends change just as much as sales strategies or home staging. Do not be afraid to experiment with different Facebook ads, images, and videos to see what works for you.

A/B testing your Facebook ads is the easiest way to test something new. Create an ad as you would normally, and then create a second version with one change.

Why only one thing? If you make too many changes at once and your new ad converts better than the old one, it’s great…but you won’t understand why.

Try changing these things for an A/B Test. Test only one thing at a given time.

Your brand voiceVisual style and layoutThe call to actionsWho you are targetingYour budget

You can follow our step-by-step guide to A/B social media testing.

Tracking results

How can you plan your future if you do not know where you have been? True and cliche.

It is important to track your progress over time to determine what brings the best results. Visualizing your progress is also very motivating.

What should you be tracking? What should you track?

Follower countAverage engagement rateLeads

Facebook Ads: The basics

ImpressionsReachClicks and/or leads generatedCPC (cost per click)CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions)ROAS (return on ad spend)Conversion rate

How do you manage all of this?

Hootsuite’s dashboard has all the information you need. You don’t have to remember to log into Meta Business Suite to access the analytics reports.

Hootsuite Analytics combines all of your social profiles (including Facebook Ads if you are an Enterprise user), so that you can get a quick overview of all the metrics for all your accounts. You can dive into a particular account or create custom reports which automatically update 24/7/365, while you are out servicing your clients.

Hootsuite Analytics mixed overview

Hootsuite is free to try

How often should you track your analytics? What does each metric mean? How can analytics data be used to improve strategic decisions?

Learn how to use social media analytics in your daily routine.

Use automation

Social media is the best way to get real estate leads. The best thing to do is to spend as much as possible time with your clients. You can do both by automating your social media tasks.

You don’t think you have the time to manage Facebook campaigns or learn about Facebook ad strategies? Hootsuite will take care of it.

Hootsuite is a powerful tool that can create Facebook ads automatically from existing content. This is the easiest way to start with Facebook Ads for Real Estate.

Hootsuite Auto Boost automatically identifies, and boosts, posts that meet certain criteria. You can set up Facebook ads automatically in just 6 minutes.

Hootsuite Social Advertising is a great tool for those who are ready to manage their own campaigns. Create Facebook ads, plus Instagram and LinkedIn. You can also see your ROI and results for both organic and paid content.

Now you can do all your social media tasks in one place and see instantly how they are working. *Exhales in tranquility*

Try advanced targeting

Facebook’s ad-targeting can save you tons of money if you want to be nerdy. You’ll reach fewer people by targeting your ads. However, you will only pay to reach those you want.

Warning: If you’re a newbie to social media marketing, targeting Facebook ads can be tricky. If you are a novice, I recommend using Facebook’s automatic targeting options or letting Hootsuite automatically boost your Facebook posts.

Facebook real estate ad targeting includes:

Age rangeGenderIncomeLocation (country, state, or city)Behavior targets, such as people interested in or who follow real estate related Facebook Pages, such as, MLS, or many other options

Ready to dive into targeting? Learn how to do it in our comprehensive guide to Facebook Advertising.

Hootsuite can be a realtor’s best friend. It has all the tools for content planning, publishing and analytics you need, plus automatic Facebook ads, campaign management, and more — all from one place.

Get Started

Hootsuite is the #1 social media tool for real estate agents. It helps them find new clients and increase their sales.

Free 30-Day Trial> 13 Inspiring Real Estate Facebook Ads Examples [2023].


The post 13 Inspiring Real Estate Facebook Ads Examples [2023] appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Buzz.


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